My name is Becka and I have been making jewelry for 13 years. I can't help but love beads and shiny things!

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My name is Rebecca, and I’ve been a beader and jewelry designer for thirteen years. I’m passionate about bead-weaving, beads, and jewelry. Nearly all of the pieces I create are one-of-a-kind.

My guiding principles for jewelry design are fundamental to each piece I create. First, I believe that the construction of a piece must be meticulous and stable. All of my bead-weaving bears fastidious knotting and obsessive consideration of typical “wear and tear” so that the work I create will last many years when properly cared for. Second, I believe that jewelry should be designed to be eminently wearable. Pieces which are too unwieldy or too fragile for everyday wear are not the norm in my designs. Third, I believe that a piece of art jewelry should be unique. I constantly strive to use common techniques in new and interesting ways. This keeps my art fresh and encourages me to continuously learn and experiment. Many of the pieces you’ll see on my Gallery site and my Etsy site are one-of-a-kind, which will be indicated in the item description.

Much of my work can be described as dainty and elegant, and I draw a lot of inspiration from Eastern European influences and modern Western design elements. Two common themes in my work are high fantasy, which includes pieces with dragons, fairies, and other fantastic elements, and the natural world, which inspires imagery of leaves, flowers, marine environments, and animals.

Nothing excites me more than to have pieces I created be worn and loved by others. My desire to create one-of-a-kind art jewelry which attracts the eye and becomes precious to another person has driven me to make the decision to display and sell my work. I hope you’ll enjoy browsing my Gallery.


Copyright notice:

Originality is the cornerstone of my design. I will never knowingly sell or display a reproduction of another artist’s work in its exact and entire form, and if I utilize a technique which I don’t consider to be common knowledge or which I have learned from a particular artist’s book, online directions, or magazine article, I do my best to credit the source in my Gallery and in the information provided about a piece for sale. If you have any concerns about infringement on intellectual property rights, please contact me at